22 September 2012

Latest wildlife sightings – eagles and sea lions

We hiked the Point Lena Trail (or maybe Lena Point Trail?) today.  It’s fairly short – probably less than a mile each way, but leads to the small cliffs at the end of Point Lena. 
We diverged from the path a few times to scramble along the rocks and despite a week with no rain, it was a muddy trail.  The tide was out and exposed the different layers of barnacles, kelp, and mussels.  There were a few tide pools and we saw some small darters, anemones, and hermit crabs. 
The coolest part though was the 4-5 sea lions surfacing just off shore.  There were probably feeding and you can hear them when they come up for air – their breathing is surprisingly loud – we heard them before we could pick them out in the water.
There’s also a lot of eagles around, feeding on the coho salmon that are coming in to spawn.  We saw these over by the Macaulay hatchery. 

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