23 September 2012

Alaskan Brewery

You gotta love brewery that gives free samples!  The Alaskan Brewery was started in Juneau in the mid-80s and is hugely popular – because it’s darn good beer and because the brewery tour has free beer samples.  The ‘tour’ is really only a short presentation and video about the brewery, then slide up to the bar in the gift store and sample away.   
They make the award-winning Alaskan Smoked Porter where the barley is smoked over alderwood, just like the salmon is in these parts.  It’s really, really good, though it’s more of a ‘sipping’ beer - I couldn’t drink a lot!  They ship all the raw ingredients up by barge except the water.  The plant recycles it’s CO2 and they use the spent barley for fuel! 

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