05 May 2012

Seca vs. Oscar Mayer

Seca has an unhealthy fascination with cats.  Today however, I think she met her match in a tough orange tabby named Oscar Mayer.  He lives down the street with a family and their wild and crazy yellow lab.  According to Oscar Mayer's mom, he rules the house (and the destructo-dog) with an iron paw, and doesn't take any crap from anyone.

Enter Seca.

On our walks in the early morning, we sometimes walk without a leash through our neighborhood.  Seca minds pretty well, most of the time.  This morning right by our house she found a random cat hiding in a bush (and it was too late by the time we saw the cat) and chased if for about 15 feet before giving up (hey, she's old - 15 feet is a long ways for her these days!).  The cat looked scared for it's life and just ran, didn't put up any fight at all.

Half a block later, Oscar Mayer was sitting in HIS driveway.  We only gave a half-hearted attempt to stop Seca because honestly, we wanted to see what she'd do with a cat that wouldn't back down.  As she ran towards him he didn't even bat an eye - he sat there, paws tucked underneath him, as she got closer and closer (she was actually running at a pretty good clip).  When Seca was about 2-3 feet away, he stood up, arched his back and hissed, but didn't move an inch back.  Seca, totally caught off guard by his reaction I think, came to a nail-dragging, butt-to-the-ground screeching halt in front of him.  As she scrabbled to get back onto all four legs, Oscar Mayer calmly turned around and walked away (stiff legged and seemed really pissed off!).  Seca looked after him for a moment as he stalked off, then walked back towards us.  We were laughing so hard, I think she must have known we were laughing AT her.

Let's hope she's done with cats now.

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