17 May 2012

Home Sweet Home - the next chapter

We bought an RV!  It's a 1996 'Minnie Winnie', 30 ft long, technically sleeps 8 (though that would be nuts if you ask me).  It has a bedroom in the back, a full -but small- kitchen, a bathroom with shower, couch, and dining booth.  We will be spending the next two+ months making some minor repairs (it's in very good condition), loading up our remaining possessions, and driving it to Alaska.  Once there, we plan to live in the RV!  We're really, really excited!

We picked it up in Columbia last night and Steve drove it home while I followed in the truck.  I'm really glad Steve is good with these sorts of things, because he made it look easy while squeezing it into our driveway.  It fits, but barely.  We have a huge oak tree right next to the driveway and were glad that the branches don't hang too low.
The picture above is taken from the kitchen, looking towards the driving end of the RV.  The space above the cab is a bed, but we'll probably use it for storage.  The picture below is part of the kitchen.  We tested all of the systems last night before we bought it and everything but the generator worked.  Overall it's in great shape and needs only a few relatively minor fixes, from what we can tell.  It also doesn't leak!  We had some massive storms roll through last night that lasted for HOURS, and we probably got several inches of rain, but no leaks inside!  Actually, we were pretty worried that a branch would break out of the tree and crash into the RV on our first night, but it didn't happen.  However, a branch did break and take out our neighbor's mailbox, which sits on our side of the street, right next to ours.  I walked over this morning to tell her about it (and offer to help fix it).
As I said, we're really, really excited!  We've lived in a sailboat that was technically longer than the RV, but had far less living space.  I hope you all are ready to read about our adventures over the next couple of months as we prepare for the trip, drive, then finally get to living in Alaska!  We'll post more pictures soon.

Chris B - if you're reading this...THANK YOU!!  And you'll always have a place to stay if you visit Juneau! 


  1. You two are a great kind of crazy!! ...did you sleep in it on the driveway last night? Thank goodness we have a Skype date; there's clearly a lot to talk about!

  2. You guys are such adventurous spirits! This is both cool and crazy at the same time. However, I can see the benefits. How will it fare during the winter? Will it keep you all warm enough?

    Ryan and I talk about how it would be kind of nice to have an RV since our diet currently makes it impossible to eat out, etc. and thus makes travel a nightmare.
