19 May 2012

RV and other things

We've obviously had a hectic couple of weeks, between my travel for work, RV shopping, selling more of our stuff, and the CSA.  I know I missed posting about our veggies the week I was in Miami, and this past week we picked up the RV the same day we got our veggies and there just wasn't time to take a picture.  Next week, I'll be back at it.  I have to say, the CSA shares are getting bigger and bigger as we move more fully into growing season, and it's getting more stressful to deal with all the produce as we get more and more busy.  I brought a bunch into work to share on Thursday last week, and I could have brought in more.  I think our coworkers will continue to benefit from the excess.

I spent Thursday and Friday evenings working in the RV, cleaning it, making 'to do' lists of some minor repairs, taking measurements, and thinking about where we'll put things.  I have only a couple of things left to clean/vacuum.  I must say, the previous owners kept it very clean.  So far I've not found anything gross, just small amounts of dust, even in the hard to reach areas.  That's a big relief since I've heard horror stories about bugs, mice, and general filth.  Some of the curtains had loose hanging tabs so I dug out my sewing kit and fixed them by hand.  Not pretty, but should do the trick (Grandma, please don't check my work, you'll be ashamed!).  This is what it looks like with the curtains up in the front, hiding the drivers seats and the cab-over.  What color would look nice with the blueish-teal?  Red?  We have red napkins (a deep, ruby red) that will be on the table, so that may be easy.  We'd like to get some cushions for the sofa, since there's no arms on it.
I didn't post bathroom pics before, here's a partial shot.  Note that there's more cabinet space and more counter space than we have in the house now!
I went to Camping World today to wander around a bit.  Of course most things are meant for people who either use the RV for short bursts, or live in it but keep moving from place to place.  Since we're doing one big move then will stay in one place, we have different needs...things don't need to necessarily be easy to stow or stay still/quiet/secure while moving.  We'll probably wait to make it day-to-day livable until we're in Juneau.  I showed amazing restraint at the RV store - I really don't want to buy anything that we don't need, and want to make sure we REALLY need it before we buy it.  That said, there were lots of fun accessories - tiki lights, storage containers, etc.

Since it's unseasonably cool here (70s in May?  Fabulous!), we're going to sleep in the RV tonight while it's parked in the driveway.  I'm excited!  The driveway has a bit of a slope, so I think we're going to have to sleep backwards on the bed so our heads aren't downhill. 

Tonight Steve and I took apart the cab-over and cleaned it.  It's too hard with our big vacuum for me to do by myself.  We're not sure what we want to do with the space...leave the bed up there but still use it for storage?  Remove the sleeping pads and dedicate ONLY to storage?  We don't have to decide now.

That's all for now.  We're tired and are going to finish a movie before bed...we'll have a busy day again tomorrow!

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