02 January 2012


2011 was a bad year for storms in South Carolina.  We didn't get any direct hits, but enough storms came up the east coast that there was pretty substantial beach erosion.  Beth and I were both off today and went for a long walk to check out the damage at the Folly Beach County Park.  It's closed now and their website says they're going to be opening again, but they have a lot of work ahead of them.  The old boardwalk is collapsed - the sand underneath was eaten away by the waves.  The parking lot is also undercut and there are dead or dying palm trees uprooted all over.  There used to be some pretty good dunes between the parking lot and the beach, but they are gone now. 

I wonder if the people who own the houses close to the beach get nervous - several are much closer to the ocean now then they were at the start of 2011.  The beach access piers pictured below used to have a lot more dune to cross, just look at how much sand has been eaten away by the waves...

The seagulls were oddly calm today.  It was cold and windy - maybe they were hunkered down.  Although why they stand with their feet in the cold water is beyond me...

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