17 January 2012

Arizona Part 3 - Sedona and Montezuma Castle

Wow - I can see why people flock to Sedona.  It's in one of the most beautiful settings I've ever seen and the town is filled with art, jewelry, and good food.  What more does a person need?  (Insert song "If I had a million dollars" because that's what it would take to live here).  Oh.  Right.

It was c-c-c-cold outside (well, cold for us wimpy types) so we didn't spend a lot of time exploring the shops in Sedona, but we did have a great BBQ lunch and found a couple of really neat art galleries.  The one I liked best had hand-blown glass animal figures made out of really vibrant and sparkly glass.  I liked the purple and green octopus best.  The colors were fantasy but they really nailed the octopus shape and made it look like it was moving.  I would love to come back and explore the town and (I'm guessing) the hundreds of awesome hiking trails that must be in the area. 

We also spent a couple of hours visiting Montezuma Castle and Montezuma Well (both are National Monuments).  The "castle" is really a 5-story cliff dwelling built around AD 700 by the Sinagua people.  It's hard to tell from the photo, but it was quite a ways off the valley floor.  I love going to places like these - you learn so much and because it's a National Monument, they do a pretty good job of teaching you the basics quickly.  Can you imagine living there?  It would have been so hot in the summer, and you'd have to carry all your water (and food, and heating wood) from the river (which was a 100 yards or so from the base of the cliff).  There was an artists rendering of what life might have looked like:

One of the things I like about traveling with other people is that we can occasionally get pictures of us together!  Look at this - two in one day!

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