27 September 2015

Steve the earthworm and the WA state fair

What is it about the name Steve? There's "Steve was delicious" from the Snickers Squared commercial...probably my favorite commerical EVER...and now I introduce "Steve the earthworm".  Thank you WA State Fair arts show:

We met friends at the WA State fair and it was pretty darn fun.  They have a two-year old daughter, who really just wanted to run around and play with the bark around the trees. But as a diversion from that we did go see the draft horse show, which was really cool. And blurry, apparently. I only had my cell phone for pictures, sorry.

 Even the goats in Washington are Seahawks fans....
And there was also the worlds cutest baby Scottish highland cow, er, calf.  He was born Sept 2, and you can't tell from this photo but he has the most adorable little face. I was very tempted to calfnap him and take him home.

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