03 September 2015

A bit behind

Ok, it's been a while since I've posted. I was at a fisheries conference in Portland the week before last, and I came home sick...probably from lack of sleep and being around 4000 other people for the week. It was a very fun and interesting conference though, and HOT in Portland. It was in the mid-90s most of the week!

The CSA veggies are still coming in, but I haven't gotten pictures of them lately. We have started trading out the zucchini for other things that people don't want, like cucumbers, onions, and chard.  I like wilted swiss chard on pizza!

In other news...we're officially getting old. Steve needs reading glasses now, mostly because his new contact prescription makes seeing close up even harder than it was before.  He looks pretty handsome, if you ask me. : )

Last weekend we went for a drive and did some exploring south of us. Ultimately, we're looking for potential areas where we might like to buy a house someday, and we're also just exploring the new state.  We found this natural area on the map about 10 miles south of our house now. It's Mima Mounds...and there's lots of naturally formed mounds. Weird, right? Scientists are divided on what caused them, but the most likely idea is that they formed when a glacial lake spilled out from retreating glaciers and the wave patterns formed in the cobble rocks the glacier left behind. Now the cobble is covered with dirt and grasses! It was very pretty, but since there's a shooting range very close, it was a bit loud.

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