13 September 2015

Olympic Peninsula explorations

This weekend we were camping in Olympic National Park. Steve wanted to go to the Wooden Boat Festival in Port Townsend, so we found a campground nearby (ish - it was about an hour) and camped Friday-Saturday nights.  Saturday morning we drove up the Hurricane Ridge Road before heading into the festival. We did a short hike, and saw three blue grouse (or maybe ptarmigan?) that were completely unafraid of us.
The other day, I asked a coworker when it would there would start to be snow on the Olympic mountains again, because we can see them from our offices...and he said there's usually snow visible year round! Not this year, yikes. They're pretty dry.  We did see a few places with lingering glaciers, but otherwise, it's all gone. I think it would be pretty here when the wildflowers are blooming.  This is near the top of the road:
The wooden boat festival was Steve's dream come true. I had fun too, but not as much as him. There were demos, lots of boats you could tour, classes, vendors, food stalls, and boat rides too. Many of the wood boats were small kayaks and small sailboats. This one (below) was absolutely gorgeous.
 The marina was full of boats though! And Port Townsend is a great town with lots of history.
After the festival we went back to the campsite for dinner and a campfire.  Then Sunday morning we got up and headed home. But we went home the long way, around the rest of the Olympic Peninsula. We stopped an hiked at Hoh rainforest, where there were trees covered with lush mosses and ferns. We want to come back here and go backpacking.

 This one is a maple tree covered in mosses.

When a giant douglas fir dies, it leaves a big hole in the tree canopy and a huge trunk on the ground! This one was more than 190 feet tall!
We also stopped at Ruby beach for a walk. It's early for winter storm season, but the wind was blowing pretty hard today.

These rocks were under a cliff face, and the rusty colored ones were being stained by the water dripping down. 

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