05 September 2015

Snow already!

There's fresh snow on Mt. Rainier!!  I suspect this is not unusual timing for snow, but we were startled to see it when we drove up to the Sunrise visitor center portion of the park. We've been up to the Paradise section of the park before, but this is our first time to the Sunrise section. It is a beautiful area. We got up this morning and drove to Packwood, a small town just south of Rainier that hosts a HUGE flea market on Memorial day and Labor day weekends. There's a few things we're still looking for for the house (like a nightstand for my side of the bed) and thought it would be a good place to find one...but it wasn't. So after strolling around for a couple of hours we headed up to Rainier.  It was so cloudy on parts of the drive up to the park that sometimes we couldn't see 20 feet in front of the truck, so we were worried we'd get to the top and and see absolutely nothing. But, we popped out of the clouds on the northeast side of the park and the views were spectacular.

On the map, this lake looks like an easy 1.5 mile stroll...but in person, it's a steep hike! We weren't prepared to do it today, but we will next time!  It was super cold and just enough breeze out to make your teeth chatter when walking around, even though we were wearing pants and a couple of layers on top.

 The view at the top - the Sunrise Visitor Center and Day Lodge (Day lodge in the center, visitor center is at our backs).  Brrrr!

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