04 July 2015

Steve comes home today!!!!!!!

I'm so excited, Steve comes home today. I feel like he's been gone FOREVER. But it's only been two weeks. Once he's back we can post some pictures from the trip - he was in Yellowstone National Park for the past two days, so in addition to pictures of family and friends, it sounds like he's got a bunch of pics from yellowstone.  Mostly though, I just miss they guy and am excited to see him...for less than 24 hours since I'm leaving tomorrow morning for a work trip to California. :(

Oh, and something else fun - yesterday a friend from undergrad, Jeremy, was passing through Olympia with his wife Cassidy and two kids and we got together at a local park. We haven't seen each other since another friends wedding years ago, so this was a fun treat. They live in Oregon now, and we're already planning a camping trip together for the end of July down by the beach. Jeremy's a professor of marine biology so I'm hoping he can teach us all about the local tide pool inhabitants. How awesome is that?? I can't wait.

A bit late, but here was our veggie share from this past week. We're getting a good mix, I think. I wish we were getting some spinach and arugula and kale, but overall I'm pretty happy with what we are getting. This week I again ate all the shell peas pretty much instantly. Maybe someday I'll actually cook them, but I love them raw, right out of the shell. We also got sugar snap peas this week, and while I usually love them, these were a bit tougher than I like. We've had such hot, dry weather I think it's really taking a toll on some of the veggies (like peas!). Oh well, they were still pretty good. I made zucchini bread right away, and also cooked swiss chard with some of the garlic in olive oil and pretty much ate it straight out of the pan. Yum.

So this week: baby cabbage, carrots, lettuce, swiss chard, garlic, broccoli, shell peas, dill, sugar snap peas, onion, turnips, zucchini, cilantro.

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