26 June 2015

More veggies

Uh oh, we got a lot of veggies this week and I'm all by myself to eat them! Steve's on a road trip back to WI (and I'm jealous). Turns out, when he's gone I turn into a bit of a workaholic.

It's been HOT here. Like, yucky hot I sure wish it would be cloudy and rainy. The worst part is that we don't have air conditioning, but it does get pretty cool at night so that helps. But still, I wish it would just be rainy.

This week's veggies:
Leaf lettuce, carrots, green onions, garlic scapes, radishes, shell peas, cabbage, beets, basil, parsley, garlic, and something that is either dill or fennel. I shelled the peas and ate them raw, they were so good.

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