24 July 2015

Sea-side visit

My work trip to Newport was productive (for me) and Steve had fun checking out the town, walking the beach (several miles of it), and doing some drives up and down the coast.

We took our time with the drive down and back to Newport - highway 101 instead of the interstate...and we stopped both ways at the Tillamook Cheese Factory. They make good cheese, and they're one of the only places you can find cheese curds out here. Both times it was an absolute madhouse inside - So. Many. People. 

We were able to catch up with friends from Maryland, Jason and Emily, who now live in Newport. We hadn't seen them since we moved from Solomons in 2009, amazing how time flies. Now that we're all on the west coast, we're hoping to see them more often.

Steve watching the waves surge in.
The weather all week was surprisingly warm and sunny.  Which is guess is good, but given all the hot weather we've had in Olympia, I was kinda hoping for cool and cloudy.

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