16 July 2015

Carnival at the lake

There's a carnival happening downtown! Steve biked downtown and after work I walked over to join him and wander through the rides, games, and vendors. It was great people watching, but that's about it. But since it was such a nice night, it was a nice stroll before going home to make dinner. If one of the food stall had been selling fried cheese curds, I'd have been all over that though.

The carnival is set up along the far side of the lake, and if you look close you can see that Steve is one of the people at the bottom of the hill (he's waiting for me to join him and texted me saying I should hurry up because "the vominator is waiting for us").  We didn't actually go on any rides though.

This week's veggies: carrots, cilantro, dill, lettuce, swiss chard, green beans, garlic, red potatoes, sugar snap peas, cherry tomatoes, 2 zucchini and a summer squash.  We're running out of ideas for how to use the summer squash and zucchini since we don't love them, so this week I sliced them up and am trying pickle them using the same recipe I used for the cucumbers last week. Those turned out amazing, so we'll see if it works.

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