29 May 2015

Riding the bus - I dig it

One of the things we looked for in a rental in this new city was easy access to downtown, where I'll be working (starting Monday!!). We got really lucky with our apartment - we love it, we love the location, and it's about 100 yards from a bus stop that goes right to my work without needing to transfer buses. Today Steve and I did a test run...hop on in front of our house (well, almost), ride downtown (~18 min), hop off about 100 yards from my office building. Incredibly easy, and the bus was clean and on time. I think that's going to be my ride into work most days. I'm also thinking about maybe busing in and walking, running, biking, or rollerblading home some days - it's about 3.8 miles from home to work. The best part - the bus will be free (since I'll be a state employee and they have a rider program for employees) and I'll save on the monthly parking fee I'd have to pay if I drove in!  Win-win!

Now, that said, we're also going to Seattle tomorrow to look at a small scooter that's for sale. It's a great price, and might be a good option on decent weather days when I don't want to bus or drive the truck. I'm not sure if I'd have to pay to park that, but I'll ask when I start the job.

While downtown we also stopped at the farmer's market and stocked up on groceries. We've signed up for a CSA again, but it's still a couple of weeks until it starts. Man, it's sooooo great being back in a city/state where you can get good, fresh, local produce! If this job works out, I think we could be here for a looooooong time.  : )
This is what we picked up today:
Eggs - beets - rainbow colored radishes - Thai basil plant starts - rosemary garlic bread - green garlic - sweet cherries - asparagus

Now, off to plant the basil!

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