26 May 2015

Camping weekend, part 2

The second two days of our camping trip we went north from our campsite and explored Mt Rainier National Park. The weather took a turn for the worse, so most of the time we were in the clouds or rain while near or in the park. But, we saw lots of gorgeous waterfalls, elk (!!), deer, clouds, and rain. Oh, and apparently over Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends, the town of Packwood (about 40 minutes from our campsite) is home to a HUGE flea market. It was a complete madhouse, but we did stop and wander around for a bit.

 Things were just starting to really turn green at higher altitudes in the park. There was still snow on some of the paths at the Paradise visitor center (which is as far up as you can go with a vehicle).

We also drove a bit over towards the 'sunny side' of the state - over the pass towards Yakima, WA. It was a very different climate over there - sunny, dry, and in the 70s, as opposed to 45, wet and cold over on the west side of the pass. This is near the summit of the pass, and you can see the clouds pouring over from the wet side down a wide glacier-carved valley.
 I got cool time-lapse video of it!

What a fun trip!  I can't wait to do it again.

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