12 May 2015

Quick update

we made it to Washington!  And the very first thing we did after checking into the hotel (or,as Steve called it, the 'home-tel') was look for a more permanent place to live. Ultimately, we looked at only 6 places and pick one that has a great location and really reasonable rent. It's quirky and a tad dated (hello flowery wallpaper!) but it feels HUGE. It's two bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms and a single car garage. The owners seem great and let us move in right away. Tomorrow we should be able to get our shipment and finish unpacking.

We don't have internet at home yet, but as soon as we do I'll post pictures of the ferry trip and more updates.  For now, we're sitting at a McDonald's for Internet. Not ideal but it gets the job done. More from us later!

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow that was fast! So, great!! Now you can begin settling ... more adventures. xo
