16 May 2015

Condo pics, etc

I'm at Starbucks this time. We're in the process of setting up internet at home, but apparently it's complicated and it may be another two weeks until it's set up (and at last count I've talked to seven people!). Actually, it's taken far longer to get cable/internet set up than for us to get our WA drivers licenses AND WA vehicle registration taken care of - and that required visiting two different locations.  But despite having to visit two locations, getting licensed and registered here was by far the fasted and easiest of any state we've lived in so far.

We are pretty much set up at the new place now. One of the weird quirks with the new place is that the bathroom has windows up towards the ceiling, which means the mirrors end halfway up the wall...and are too short to see your head in them (in my case) or anything above mid-chest (in Steve's case). W.T.F? We've developed a work-around, but still, it's weird.

Also, the kitchen cabinets go all the way to the ceiling, which makes about 75% of them out of my reach without a step stool. I can deal with that, we don't have that many dishes. One perk of this place - it has massive amounts of storage. A pantry, probably 25 feet of hanging space in closets, and storage cupboards everywhere. It's nice.

Also, we scored this table and four (sturdy) chairs on Craigslist for $85. It's in great shape.

Last Saturday, after picking a place to rent, but before meeting to sign the lease, we went downtown to the Olympia waterfront to explore the wooden boat festival. Steve found this one, how adorable is that?

Ok, I'll go back now and post some updates from the ferry trip. Scroll down (or go back one page) to see them.

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