02 September 2014

Seca's superpower

Seca has a superpower.  She can reduce grown men into squealing, giggly little girls.  We had a break in the rain yesterday, so I loaded her up and we went to the glacier for a hike.  It was an unexpected madhouse there; 10 buses backed up into the road, hundreds of tourists waiting for said buses and walking the trails.  Several times on the walk to the waterfall, we were stopped (always by 50-60s age men) who upon seeing Seca would actually squeal something along the lines of "Oh my cute little puppy dog, are you enjoying your walk?"  Only, they said it in high pitched, giggly voices, while speaking in baby-talk.  It. Was. Hilarious.  Seca, naturally, ate it up. It's good to know she hasn't lost her touch in her old age.  :)

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