08 September 2014

It's like someone flipped a switch!

It seems like when September 1 rolled around, we flipped immediately to fall.  It's been cold and rainy, typical for fall, the wind has picked up too, which is rare except in fall (or in downtown, where it's windy a lot).  Last night it was 41 for a low!  That's only 9 degrees above freezing.  Too soon!  We forgot to turn the heat on overnight so it was a brisk 51 in Irv this morning.  I can't wait to move into the apartment...counting down the weeks.

Tomorrow and Wednesday I'm helping another student in the field with a beach seining project.  Tomorrow should be sunny and cool, so I'm looking forward to it.  It's supposed to rain again Weds, so that'll be less fun.  I'll try to take a few pictures.

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