30 September 2014


Last night there was a brief reprieve from the (incessant) rain.  We broke a record this summer, actually; this was the wettest summer on record.  Anyways, it wasn't raining so I used the dry spell to remove the skirting from around Irv.  We want to see if someone else at the park can use it so we won't have to put it in a landfill.  When Steve got home last night the first thing he said when he came in was "You took off his pants!"  Hahahahaha - It does seem like Irv is naked now.

We are moving mid-November, a date is set!  We went over to the new apartment on Sunday so Steve could put in a new garbage disposal for the current tenant, and we talked details of the move with her too.  We have a pretty short window to get out of our current space, so we're going to move some of the outside things like the grill and kayaks, sooner. 

Also last night for dinner:
It's a recipe I made up - coconut curry quinoa and chickpeas with roasted broccoli, sweet potatoes, and kale.  It was really, really (really) good.  And because the coconut milk is so rich, we didn't even notice that it was meatless. 

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