19 September 2014


We are house- and dog-sitting for the next week.  It's nice to spread out a bit, but the move always freaks Seca out.  She gets anxious, like we might leave her here *forever*.  Somehow, the fact that we've not done that yet in the past 14 years doesn't seep into her consciousness.  So, she's like a shadow on me...all day long.  I'm working from the house today so she can get used to it.  The dog who lives here is pretty chill with having a temporary sibling...His favorite place to sleep is a bean bag chair.  This is him wiggling into it:
He'll sleep like that, on his back, sandwiched into the bean bag, for hours.  Or until I try to get a picture of him.  But one of these times I'll sneak up on him and get a better picture.

Today I signed up for a twitter account.  I can't believe I did it.  I think it's kind of silly, but someone suggested it's a good way to keep up on current events with a few organizations I'm interested in, and also a good way to keep tabs on job openings at some of those same organizations.  We'll see, I am skeptical.  I have no intention of creating my own tweets, so don't follow me.

Since it's my birthday next week and we're house sitting, we can actually have more than two people over to celebrate. So we're hosting a small party tomorrow night! 

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