26 July 2014

Unalaska explorations

Unalaska, from near the top of the pass outside of the village.  Look at the clouds rolling down the mountain on the left.

Eventful day!  We stop in Akutan in the morning about 5 am for about an hour, then arrive in Dutch Harbor at 9 am and stay for 8 hours, then back to Akutan tonight.  We rented a car for exploring Unalaska/Dutch Harbor.   
The ferry did a 'drive by' of the village of Unalaska before docking!
Wow, I never thought Unalaska would feel like civilization, but after the tiny villages we’ve been through, it feels like we’re in a city!  First, we stopped at Safeway for breakfast snacks before trying to find the loop road over the mountains. I’ve been to Unalaska twice now, but have never driven around there and kept getting lost.  That’s hard to do when there’s so few roads, but I have mad skills when it comes to getting lost.  

First, we drove to see the Russian Orthodox church in Unalaska.  There was a bald eagle perched on top.  Then we drove the loop road out of town and over the pass in the mountains for some scenic views.
Steve enjoying a scenic view after a stop at a waterfall.
Beaver Inlet, from the top of the pass.
We had another beautiful, sunny day for driving around and exploring.  Occasionally some fog/clouds would develop on the mountains and pour into the valleys, but that was actually pretty neat to see.  On the loop road we saw a fox!  Jon, a guy we met from North Dakota, was able to get a good picture before it loped off.  Look closely – it even had a ground squirrel in it’s mouth!
Fox with the catch of the day (photo by Jon)

There are a lot of WWII ruins still left in Unalaska. 
Coastal Unalaska
The Tustumena as seem from a hill in Dutch Harbor (photo by Jon)
Stacks and stack of crab pots, waiting for the season to open again.

Always loading and unloading something in Unalaska
In Akutan Saturday night, we got off the boat to walk around since we hadn’t in the morning.
Small church in Akutan.
Vessel heading into the clouds and fog.

Good old Tusty.

Sea stack and clouds

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