28 June 2013

hot tub with a view

Our friend is house and dog sitting this weekend - at a house on the water with a hot tub.  Because the house owners are nice, welcoming people, they are ok with our friend having guests over, so we headed over for a visit (watched a movie) and a long soak at sunset.  You can't see it from either of these pictures, but you can actually see Mendenhall glacier from the deck (it's just to the right of the frame, across all the water, in these two pictures)

The homeowners have a cat too - and according to the house-sitter, she's pretty skittish around new people...Except for Steve the cat whisperer, apparently.  As we were watching the movie, the cat came out of hiding, crawled up on Steve's lap, and sat there purring for half the movie.  She avoided the rest of us.  Steve professes to hate cats, but it's soooooo not true. 

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