16 June 2013

Too hot! But we hiked anyways...

This weekend it was sunny and, *gasp*, hot!  Ugh, too hot, if you ask me.  I think it only hit about 80 in the sun (and 70s in the shade) but it felt like an inferno.  We hiked the Perseverance Trail, same one we did last fall.  Obviously there's a lot more snow on the mountains this time of year, which means the creeks and waterfalls were all gushing.  I put on a ton of sunscreen, unlike most of the rest of the city.  Apparently, all the stores are out of aloe after this weekend!
There's a black bear with two cubs that's been seen a lot in the area, but we didn't see them, or any mountain goats either.  We did hear what sounded like a porcupine crashing through the underbrush though.  Despite not seeing any wild animals, there were so many flowers in bloom!  Beautiful!

 We saw these green plants in Wyoming too...I don't know the name, but I think they're pretty.

This is the end of the trail.  It used to continue a bit farther (though not much, I imagine) but a landslide from the hill on the left dropped boulders in the creek bed and altered the flow.  Now the boardwalk is submerged, even in fall when flow is much lower. 

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