19 January 2013

Walking the dog

Sun - after four or five days of hard rain - makes me happy.  There was a bit of fresh snow last night, just enough to cover the slippery ice that's pretty much everywhere now.  In some places, the ice on the roads and in parking lots is 10-12 inches thick, except where it's chipped away and made giant ice-hole craters that will swallow a whole tire.  It's not as bad at our place, the rain melted a lot of the ice almost down to bare ground.

We loaded Seca up for her first visit to the glacier.  Since it's been warm and rainy the lake isn't completely frozen any more so we couldn't walk far on it and diverted to a short loop trail instead.  Seca was having a lot of fun - she has so much more energy up here where it's cold compared to South Carolina. 

The visitor center (which we've still never been inside to see) is a really beautiful building.  And look at the clouds hanging behind it!
 Steve and Seca posing patiently for picture. 
The days are getting noticeably longer - it's light until almost 4:30 pm now and at 8 am when I'm heading into the lab it's also pretty light outside.  I'm looking forward to daylight at dinner time.

I thought the waning yellow light through the trees was pretty.

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