04 February 2013

Whoa-February here already

It's been a while since I've posted anything.  Partly that's because we've been busy doing things that aren't very photogenic, like running errands and cleaning the Irv, and huddling inside while it's been alternating between very cold and blustery and warm(er) with rain.  The picture above was on the cold and blustery day, but taken on the sheltered side of the bay.  The sun looks like it should be providing some warmth, but it was an illusion only.  This is what it looked like on the other side...and it was so cold my fingers were cramping up after just one picture!
 Luckily Seca doesn't mind the cold and was happy to romp around on the walk.
But the other problem with the weather here is that when it's pouring rain for days on end, it's hard to make yourself get out and hike outdoors.  We did break out the camera and head downtown this past weekend.  We hit up the local Salvation Army thrift store to see if there was anything fun for sale and Steve found (but didn't buy) a straight-out-of-the-1970s tan leather sport coat.  It fit him perfectly.  After much agonizing over the price ($25) he decided to not buy it, but vowed to go back next weekend.  If it still there on Saturday, he's going to get it.  Someone please go hide/buy it before we go back! 

Downtown Juneau on a rainy Saturday.  We wandered around with the dog, then stopped to buy coffee as a warm-up before heading back home. 

And of course being Superbowl Sunday yesterday, Steve made his specialty taco dip for the party we attended.  Do they actually use black olives in Mexico?  I doubt it.  Tasty dip though!

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