09 January 2013

Irv sweet Irv

As of today we're back home in Irv.  It's been nice living in a house again, particularly with easy access to laundry, but I'm glad to be back home.  The past month has been an interesting contrast in how house size impacts work load.  I feel like the past month has been a ton of work relative to living in the tiny space of an RV.  Obviously, part of the difference between the two comes with the addition of another dog, a cat, and the guinea pigs (the turtle was almost no work at all).  A lot of pets is a lot of work - there's always a litter box to clean, dogs to walk, feedings, cages to clean, water dishes to fill, and a lot more vacuuming and sweeping (who knew a cat could spread litter so far!).  But even the house size makes a difference.  I can clean the RV, top to bottom, in 20 minutes, tops.  That includes putting stray items away, vacuuming, wiping all counters and appliances, cleaning the bathroom, and any other cleaning.  And the best part is that in the RV I never have to move the vacuum cord to another outlet as I go.  The house was just so much bigger - there's a lot more to get messy and a lot more space to cover, and there's always something that needs to be done...like snowblow the giant driveway (or worse, shovel, when there's not enough snow to snowblow but to much to just ignore), or haul in wood for the stove.  I think this past month has really made me realize how much I like living in a smaller space, closer to town, and with only one pet!

However, that said, Steve and I are going to miss Miss Kitty and the rest of the critters.  But especially Miss Kitty. 

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