01 January 2013

Shrine of St. Therese

There are seals in the tiny arm of the harbor that is just outside the house!  At low tide it's little more than a trickle of a stream running though rocks and kelp, but at hide tide the whole area floods and apparently, the seals like to come feed and hang out.  It's not a great picture - they are skittish and when I go outside they move away.

Today seems to be a bit of reprieve from the rain so we went for a long walk with the dogs this morning...we started out with just Chevy and Seca, and soon were joined by Nalah and Odin, two dogs belonging to different neighbors that were out walking themselves (seems that letting your dog wander is pretty standard out here).  It was quite the herd walking down the road!  Luckily, no porcupines today.

After the walk we decided to push our luck with the weather and go for a drive out the road to do some exploring.  We stopped at the Shrine of St. Therese, a small chapel in the woods and retreat center.  It was pretty and we walked around a bit before heading on towards Amalga Harbor.
This is the view from the path towards the Shrine... The clouds are pretty today.  Across the water (Lynn Canal) are the Chilkat mountains (the ones with snow).

At Amalga, we wandered around a bit, but it was still really icy so we didn't stray too far.  We would really like to explore this area in summer, on foot and also by kayak.  It's a pretty busy boat launch area, but it's also supposed to be a pretty good spot to see whales.

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