30 May 2012

CSA week 9

We have tomatoes!  Oh, and lots of zucchini...  Maybe tonight I'll make time to bake zucchini bread then we can each bring it to work to share.

This week:
Green beans
Red potatoes
Baby beets
Green garlic
Greens (not sure what kind)
Summer squash (which is really just yellow zucchini in my book)

27 May 2012

Pine Grove Furnace State Park

We spent the morning at Pine Grove Furnace State Park (PA).  When we got there, it was still cool outside, and very humid, so the stream was creating it's own fog - beautiful!

As the day warmed up Steve and the girls were swimming in the lake and I was relaxing with Chloe in the shade.  It's a beautiful little park, just off of the Appalachian Trail, and it was very popular for Memorial Day weekend.


Some of the lake residents...Natalie was trying to catch some of the big ones, but only got minnows.

26 May 2012

Strawberry picking

We went to visit Steve's sister and family in Pennsylvania over the holiday weekend.  It was our chance to see them before we leave for Alaska, and we had a lot of fun.  Saturday we went strawberry picking at a local farm.  Luckily we got there, picked three buckets of berries, and got home before it got too hot outside.  It was almost as hot and humid in Pennsylvania as it has been in Charleston.  The girls are getting so big! 

Also - Friday was our 10 year anniversary!  We spent the day in the car, driving to PA with a romantic lunch at McDonalds (insert sarcasm here).  I guess the up side is that we're lucky we got to spend the day together. :)

23 May 2012

CSA week 8

I'm happy to say that we're more than halfway done with the CSA - week 8 of 14 this week.  The produce is great, and I love eating a variety of different things, but honestly, the sheer quantity of veggies we get and the time it takes to clean and prep and cook everything when we have so much else going on is stressing me out.  I'll be ok with it ending.  I would sign up again, though I would probably go for a smaller share, and not at a time when we're so busy.

This week's veggie list:
Red potatoes
Corn (woo hoo!)
Green beans
Greens mix

I can't believe there's local corn in MAY!  That's crazy.

Her name was Lola

Steve bought a decoration for Irv today.  Her name is Lola.  She was a showgirl.  I think she adds good flair to our new house...

On a (sort of) related note regarding Irv, we finally figured out what these seemingly randomly placed, spring-loaded, clip-like...things...are use for!  (it's the silver thing above the red light).
They hold open the storage compartments!  What a cool idea!

19 May 2012

RV and other things

We've obviously had a hectic couple of weeks, between my travel for work, RV shopping, selling more of our stuff, and the CSA.  I know I missed posting about our veggies the week I was in Miami, and this past week we picked up the RV the same day we got our veggies and there just wasn't time to take a picture.  Next week, I'll be back at it.  I have to say, the CSA shares are getting bigger and bigger as we move more fully into growing season, and it's getting more stressful to deal with all the produce as we get more and more busy.  I brought a bunch into work to share on Thursday last week, and I could have brought in more.  I think our coworkers will continue to benefit from the excess.

I spent Thursday and Friday evenings working in the RV, cleaning it, making 'to do' lists of some minor repairs, taking measurements, and thinking about where we'll put things.  I have only a couple of things left to clean/vacuum.  I must say, the previous owners kept it very clean.  So far I've not found anything gross, just small amounts of dust, even in the hard to reach areas.  That's a big relief since I've heard horror stories about bugs, mice, and general filth.  Some of the curtains had loose hanging tabs so I dug out my sewing kit and fixed them by hand.  Not pretty, but should do the trick (Grandma, please don't check my work, you'll be ashamed!).  This is what it looks like with the curtains up in the front, hiding the drivers seats and the cab-over.  What color would look nice with the blueish-teal?  Red?  We have red napkins (a deep, ruby red) that will be on the table, so that may be easy.  We'd like to get some cushions for the sofa, since there's no arms on it.
I didn't post bathroom pics before, here's a partial shot.  Note that there's more cabinet space and more counter space than we have in the house now!
I went to Camping World today to wander around a bit.  Of course most things are meant for people who either use the RV for short bursts, or live in it but keep moving from place to place.  Since we're doing one big move then will stay in one place, we have different needs...things don't need to necessarily be easy to stow or stay still/quiet/secure while moving.  We'll probably wait to make it day-to-day livable until we're in Juneau.  I showed amazing restraint at the RV store - I really don't want to buy anything that we don't need, and want to make sure we REALLY need it before we buy it.  That said, there were lots of fun accessories - tiki lights, storage containers, etc.

Since it's unseasonably cool here (70s in May?  Fabulous!), we're going to sleep in the RV tonight while it's parked in the driveway.  I'm excited!  The driveway has a bit of a slope, so I think we're going to have to sleep backwards on the bed so our heads aren't downhill. 

Tonight Steve and I took apart the cab-over and cleaned it.  It's too hard with our big vacuum for me to do by myself.  We're not sure what we want to do with the space...leave the bed up there but still use it for storage?  Remove the sleeping pads and dedicate ONLY to storage?  We don't have to decide now.

That's all for now.  We're tired and are going to finish a movie before bed...we'll have a busy day again tomorrow!

17 May 2012

Home Sweet Home - the next chapter

We bought an RV!  It's a 1996 'Minnie Winnie', 30 ft long, technically sleeps 8 (though that would be nuts if you ask me).  It has a bedroom in the back, a full -but small- kitchen, a bathroom with shower, couch, and dining booth.  We will be spending the next two+ months making some minor repairs (it's in very good condition), loading up our remaining possessions, and driving it to Alaska.  Once there, we plan to live in the RV!  We're really, really excited!

We picked it up in Columbia last night and Steve drove it home while I followed in the truck.  I'm really glad Steve is good with these sorts of things, because he made it look easy while squeezing it into our driveway.  It fits, but barely.  We have a huge oak tree right next to the driveway and were glad that the branches don't hang too low.
The picture above is taken from the kitchen, looking towards the driving end of the RV.  The space above the cab is a bed, but we'll probably use it for storage.  The picture below is part of the kitchen.  We tested all of the systems last night before we bought it and everything but the generator worked.  Overall it's in great shape and needs only a few relatively minor fixes, from what we can tell.  It also doesn't leak!  We had some massive storms roll through last night that lasted for HOURS, and we probably got several inches of rain, but no leaks inside!  Actually, we were pretty worried that a branch would break out of the tree and crash into the RV on our first night, but it didn't happen.  However, a branch did break and take out our neighbor's mailbox, which sits on our side of the street, right next to ours.  I walked over this morning to tell her about it (and offer to help fix it).
As I said, we're really, really excited!  We've lived in a sailboat that was technically longer than the RV, but had far less living space.  I hope you all are ready to read about our adventures over the next couple of months as we prepare for the trip, drive, then finally get to living in Alaska!  We'll post more pictures soon.

Chris B - if you're reading this...THANK YOU!!  And you'll always have a place to stay if you visit Juneau! 

08 May 2012

Never a dull moment in Miami...

I'm in Miami this week for work, staying at a nice hotel in Coconut Grove.  At about 1:30 am something loud woke me up.  Turns out it was a military helicopter practicing outside my hotel window.  We had gotten a notice slipped under our hotel doors mentioning "military training in the greater Miami area" over the next 5 days.  I didn't think it meant middle of the night, blackhawk helicopter with masked men rapelling out of it, just outside my balcony.  Ahhh, Miami.  You never fail to disappoint me. 

Military training in the middle of Miami jolts residents out of bed


The Grand Bay Hotel was attacked! Wait, never mind, it was just a military training exercise.

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No, there was no napalm in the morning.
But there was the thunderous whump whump of low-flying helicopters, and even the jarring blast of explosions at the abandoned Grand Bay Hotel in Coconut Grove early Tuesday during a military training exercise that jolted many unsuspecting residents from their beds.
“It was quite a shocking experience,” said Jane Muir, who was awakened around 1:45 a.m. by the sound of military choppers that later dropped repelling soldiers onto the Grand Bay’s rooftop. “It was kind of that bizarre feeling that you were surrounded by wind.”
From her third-floor balcony, Muir then watched the soldiers fire off flares and smoke bombs before searching floor by floor through the darkened hotel, their paths marked by flashlights and the pop-pop-pop of gunshots. “The show of force was so overwhelming,” she said.
The maneuvers were part of a “realistic urban training” exercise for about 100 military personnel, and organized by the U.S. Special Operations Command, said Maj. Michael Burns, a U.S. Army spokesman. The exercise also included three military helicopters, and the use of simulated explosions and gunfire to mimic real-life military scenarios.
“They have to train in a realistic environment,” Burns said. “We didn’t use any real bullets,” he added reassuringly.
Miami police assisted in overseeing the exercises — but they were instructed to keep quiet about the exercises until late Monday, for security reasons. The police also blocked off roads around the Grand Bay during the exercise, Muir said.
“It was the federal government’s call on what was being done. We were courteously advised,” said Miami commissioner Marc Sarnoff, whose district includes Coconut Grove.
Miami Police Maj. Delrish Moss said that a news release about the training was sent out around 5 p.m. Monday, but it went largely unnoticed.
The explosions, however, did not. A handful of alarmed Grove residents called the police and City Hall to ask about the armed choppers flying over their homes.
Muir, for one, would not have minded a heads up beforehand.
“I thought it was kind of rude, to tell you the truth,” she said. “One neighbor was swearing, he was so annoyed.”
But despite the neighborhood anxiety, the exercise went off safely and quickly, Burns said.
“It seems very high drama, but to us it’s kind of simple,” he said.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/05/08/2789687/military-training-in-the-middle.html#storylink=cpy

05 May 2012

Seca vs. Oscar Mayer

Seca has an unhealthy fascination with cats.  Today however, I think she met her match in a tough orange tabby named Oscar Mayer.  He lives down the street with a family and their wild and crazy yellow lab.  According to Oscar Mayer's mom, he rules the house (and the destructo-dog) with an iron paw, and doesn't take any crap from anyone.

Enter Seca.

On our walks in the early morning, we sometimes walk without a leash through our neighborhood.  Seca minds pretty well, most of the time.  This morning right by our house she found a random cat hiding in a bush (and it was too late by the time we saw the cat) and chased if for about 15 feet before giving up (hey, she's old - 15 feet is a long ways for her these days!).  The cat looked scared for it's life and just ran, didn't put up any fight at all.

Half a block later, Oscar Mayer was sitting in HIS driveway.  We only gave a half-hearted attempt to stop Seca because honestly, we wanted to see what she'd do with a cat that wouldn't back down.  As she ran towards him he didn't even bat an eye - he sat there, paws tucked underneath him, as she got closer and closer (she was actually running at a pretty good clip).  When Seca was about 2-3 feet away, he stood up, arched his back and hissed, but didn't move an inch back.  Seca, totally caught off guard by his reaction I think, came to a nail-dragging, butt-to-the-ground screeching halt in front of him.  As she scrabbled to get back onto all four legs, Oscar Mayer calmly turned around and walked away (stiff legged and seemed really pissed off!).  Seca looked after him for a moment as he stalked off, then walked back towards us.  We were laughing so hard, I think she must have known we were laughing AT her.

Let's hope she's done with cats now.

03 May 2012

CSA week 5

More good veggies this week - and some new items, which is a nice change.  We've got:
Green garlic
Sweet onions
Baby red potatoes

I opted to not grab the turnips this week.  I'm going out of town Sunday-Friday next week and I don't think we'll eat turnips before I go and I seriously doubt Steve will eat them while I'm gone.  I'll be in Miami for an assessment workshop - it will be my last in-person workshop at my current job.  I'm actually pretty sad about that because I get to work with some really great scientists and I'll miss interacting with them.

It's been a busy week - and I'm glad it's almost the weekend again.  Our garage sale last weekend was a big success.  We should have taken before and after pictures.  The 'before' items were spread all over the driveway, and both sides of the yard.  'After' there were only a couple of big items left (kayaks, the table) and a few small things.  We made a run to Goodwill with the things that we didn't want to bother selling on Craigslist then put the rest of the items on Craigslist.  Since then, a few more things have sold.  I look around the house and we still have way too much stuff!