10 December 2011

Workshop = more work than shop

I was in St. Petersburg, Florida for a workshop on stock assessments.  It was a 'working' workshop, where you get lectures and exercises and have to work late into the night with a group on a project.  I wasn't that excited to go because I knew there would be a lot of work involved but I am so happy that I did get to go in the end.  I learned a lot - about stock assessments, new tools for doing analyses, and as an added bonus, I think what I learned will make me a better coordinator at work.  There was some time for fun - happy hour at the hotel was from 5-7 and included free drinks and snacks so we would gather there for some socializing.  And I got up early most morning and went for walks.  The room where the workshop was held was overlooking a small airport, which was distracting because of the nice view of the city and the steady stream of airplanes in and out.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Building (where we met each day) also had some cool 'ocean life' themed mosaics on the walls...

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