11 December 2011

Windy day at the beach

Even though it was cold(ish) and cloudy, Steve, Beth and I packed on layers of clothing and went to the beach.  I don't know birds very well, but I think these were some sort of ibis (from the bill shape).  We also saw these (below) on the beach - again, I don't know what they are.  I guess I should invest in a bird book!

As usual, we had the beach to ourselves. Since no shell collecting is allowed at Botany Bay there's always an awesome array of shells, but today was even better than usual.  We found about 10 really nice pen shells, which are usually broken into bits because they're so delicate.  One was more than a foot long and both sides were still together and unbroken!  Someone had stuck this shell onto the root of a tree.  The shell was bigger than my fist and in nearly perfect condition.

Steve found a horseshoe crab exoskeleton too.  Seca used to get really freaked out by them when we lived in Maryland.  :)

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