16 December 2011


Encouraged and (I'll admit) a bit envious of Steve's fun time with the Tough Mudder a couple of weeks ago, I have started running.  Well, maybe running is a bit of an overstatement, because it's more like a lumbering-foot shuffle-while gasping for breath endeavor right now.  But, today was the second attempt this week, and I was faster, but didn't go farther.  There will be no pictures.  It's not pretty. 

It feels good though.


  1. Yeah! You know, the first time I "ran," I did it while standing in place in front of the TV -- because I was afraid of what I might look like and needed the distraction of the TV. You can do this!

  2. Whoohoo! I haven't been able to get back into running. Or exercise of any sort. Kudos to you!
