27 November 2011

Relaxing in Pennsylvania

We're in Pennsylvania for Thanksgiving, enjoying a visit with Steve's family.  It's been more than two years since we've seen everyone and we're having a great time.  We've spent time reading, playing outside, fishing and exploring a local stream, having fun with their new puppy (Chloe the Yorkie) and cooking good food.

Both girls are big readers.  Nat is reading Encyclopedia Brown (one of my favorites as a kid).
Steve downloaded a game on his phone and the girls were TOTALLY into playing it.
Mark with his huge catch at the trout stream.
Natalie was scouting for rocks to paint with their new painting kit. That water is really cold!  I don't know how she could stand it.
A good family photo on the first try!!
Chloe.  So cute.
Margaret checking out the water at the trout stream. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, the girls are so big! It looks like the family had a great time - awesome! I am glad you could join them. xo
