06 November 2011

Opposites attract

This weekend Steve and I were invited to the wedding of a friend from our gym.  Even though we didn't know the couple well, in fact, we only met the groom for the first time two days before the wedding, it was really fun.  It was a small wedding, full of personal touches.  A cousin of the bride led the ceremony, the brother of the bride told the story of how the groom proposed, the whole wedding party danced down the aisle before the ceremony then danced their way back out at the end (to the tune "another one bites the dust").  Then there was a casual BBQ dinner and lots of dancing.  Throughout the wedding you got a sense of how the bride and groom were complete opposites, but somehow very complementary.  Katy is chaotic and spontaneous and late for everything.  Rob is an engineer and mellow and perfectly organized.  It was a beautiful wedding and I'm so happy we were able to go!

Katy and her mom getting their groove on as they proceed down the aisle.  That's Rob just above their hands.

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