07 August 2011

Went for a ride. Saw some stuff.

We took the motorcycle out for a spin today, swinging south to Edisto Beach and making a trip through Botany Bay on the way.  It was nice when we started out - temps in the low 80s.  By the time we got home it was almost 100 and I was cranky. 

There were so many mosquitoes at Botany Bay that when I stopped to take this picture of a huge garden spider along the road, Steve sat on the bike with his helmet on and face shield down to keep them at bay (despite the heat).  I took the picture with my helmet on as well...I was afraid I would be sucked dry if I left any skin exposed.  She was big - about the size of my thumb.  I think those are males around her, but I'm not 100% sure.

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