26 August 2011


The hurricane eye is going to hit North Carolina and we're only expected to get some wind and rain here in Charleston.  The first bands of rain are coming now (at 11 am EST), and it's not bad - definitely windy though.  Tomorrow night we may head to the beach to check out the waves.  On the news this morning they were reporting from Folly Beach and showing some crazy surfers that were out at dawn ready to surf!  That's nuts.

We've been granted an early release at work today, so I'm heading home soon.  If the winds are too bad, I may go pick Steve up so he doesn't have to ride the motorcycle home.

Update at 9:20 pm (EST)...  All is fine here.  The wind and rain bands were pretty minor and seem to largely be over for us now.  We only had a couple batches of rain and wind and there was a very orange sunset tonight.  The weather people are predicting a very hot day tomorrow.  Yay.  I hope North Carolina and those even farther north stay safe. 

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