23 August 2011

Random thoughts

No decision on the hurricane yet and the next weather service update will be soon, at 5 pm EST, I think.  It's looking more and more like it will largely miss Charleston although one of my coworkers offered to let us stay at their place Friday night if we don't leave and are worried about the tree in our yard.

In other hurricane news a local radio personality offered this comparison:  Charleston hurricane evacuation effectiveness (or maybe efficiency?) is analogous to a two-legged cat trying to bury it's poop.  Nice visual, eh?

And in other happy news, someone came along and took away the big tree limb that came down!  From the sawdust evidence they left behind, it looks like they cut it up for firewood.  Now we can cross "cut the tree into 4-ft sections" off of our evening list of chores.  

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