23 April 2011

Easter Parade

I chalk this up as an "Only in Charleston" type experience...  While we were walking downtown this morning we passed an Easter Parade (complete with police escort), with a woman singing (about Easter bonnets and Easter parades) and ladies, gentlemen, and children dressed in their Easter finest.  I think it would be terribly uncomfortable walking in high heels in such a parade, but they did it.
The music:

 We loved this little girls pink hair barrettes:
 Look at the fancy hats!


  1. Definitely a cultural experience! Neat.

  2. I have never heard of anything like that before. Interesting. Julie

  3. It was definitely interesting, and really fun to see everyone dressed up, especially the men in their bright suits and bowties. Steve had mentioned going downtown on Sunday to see everyone dressed up - this saved us the trip!

  4. In the old days, all the women wore easter bonnets on easter. Ask your grandma.
