20 April 2011

Carriage ride and grilling out

Steve and Jane took a carriage ride through downtown this morning.  I had to work, so I didn't get to go along, but they said it was really fun.  The hour-long tour takes one of several routes from the area near the city market down to the Battery, then back. They were in the first row behind the guide and were first in line for a giant, loud horse fart.  Note to tourists - if you see a half tennis ball with a flag on the street, don't pick it up. 

After the carriage tour they walked to Monza on King Street for lunch.  Monza is a great pizza restaurant in town - really thin crust, inventive ingredients, and cooked in a wood-fired oven.  It's one of our favorite places.

Because of the fabulous weather we grilled out for dinner - Thai grilled chicken (best recipe I've ever made), grilled corn on the cob, roasted green beans and homemade bread and pralines for dessert.  The best part of the night was when Steve went out to start the grill.  He came back to the house really excited holding the charcoal starter chimney in his hand - with a giant lizard in it!  It didn't seem very afraid of us and we took several pictures before it jumped out onto the side of the house.  We've never seen one like it around the house before and will have to look it up in  guide book.  

 Steve was chief grillmaster for the night.

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