17 June 2015

Summer and veggies - CSA week 1

Our CSA started today! This is week 1 - and it seems smaller than a 'small' share from the CSA we had in Charleston, but it's hard to say if that's going to be the case every week. In the box we had:
1 bunch carrots, 1 small bunch radishes, 1 bag dried beans (fun!), garlic scapes, green onions, 1 small head green lettuce and 1 small head red lettuce, 1 kohlrabi (I knew what it was but had to google ideas on how to eat it), 1 small head garlic, dill, and cilantro.  Also hitting town this week - fresh strawberries! We stopped by the roadside stand to buy some tonight but they were all sold out. Steve's going to go back first thing tomorrow morning. We had big, delicious salads for dinner tonight, using a bunch of the items from the CSA, and I cooked up the kohlrabi - greens, stems, and root in a long, slow saute with some of the garlic...I'll bring that as part of my lunch tomorrow since Steve didn't love it ('better than mushrooms but I don't love it' was his official word on it).

Last week I was in Spokane for work. I loved the city, but it was a bit hot for several of the days (95!). The hard part of the week was the meetings that started at 6 am (!!) every morning (the 'breakfast meeting') and went until somewhere between 5:30 and 8:30 pm. Including Saturday and Sunday. Ugh. That's exhausting.  Another downside to long days/weeks of work travel is that I don't have as much time as I'd like to make progress on school stuff. I'm using some of my newly acquired exchange time to take off work on Friday and work on school stuff Friday-Sunday.

Also - Steve's not working yet but is becoming quite the awesome house-husband. He's been doing all the cleaning, grocery shopping and errands, and he detailed the truck, organized the garage, and preps dinner during the day so we have great dinners at night...last night he did a dry-rub chicken on the grill with garlic and dill potato wedges in the oven. It was go good!  I'm a lucky girl. : )

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