25 February 2015

Swingin' llike Tarzan

Today we went to Selvatura park for a rainforest canopy/hanging bridge walk, a zip line tour with a kick butt Tarzan swing, a small herpetarium (not worth it) and a hummingbird garden (so awesome).
We think this is the same place (Selvatura) that we came to 11 years ago when we were here for Tami and Erik's wedding. 

The rainforest hike was fun.  We saw a couple of birds, a colorful millipede, and heard  a monkey in the distance.  Mostly, it's a lot of bridges and a wander through the (tamed, heavily touristed) rainforest.  There were great views from the bridges though!
 At one bridge there was a couple stopped and taking pictures of...something.  It wasn't until we were right up next to them that we could see what they'd found - a tiny snake!  It was on the bridge, and was so small it was thinner than a pencil!  I had a hard time getting a picture - this is the best I got.  Later someone told us it was not poisonous and maybe called a blond-headed snake (or maybe he said long-headed? it was hard to tell).

 In the hummingbird gardens, the are dozens of feeders set out to attract the birds.  If you stand quietly with your hand out in front of a feeder (and can ignore the bees), sometimes they will perch on your hand while they drink.

The hummingbird gardens were one of our favorite parts of the whole trip!

The zip line tour was fun. You get strapped into a harness and then zing along cables stretched between platforms (which are usually strapped to trees high above the forest floor).  The longest cable was 1000 m!  There's a "tarzan swing" too, which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like.  You clip into a rope, then jump (or get pushed!) off a platform and swing down (and back and forth a bit until you slow down and get lowered to the ground).  This was my favorite part of the zip line stuff.  I admit that I screamed my head off as I was pushed from the platform (and I even knew in advance he was going to push me!).  What an adrenaline rush!

Tonight the sunset was very pretty!  This is the tree across the street from out hotel, lit up from behind by the sunset.

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