24 February 2015

Frogs, mostly.

Today we went to see ranarium (frog zoo), some dead insect exhibits, and a lovely butterfly garden, all in Santa Elena, almost walking distance from our hotel (though we drove). 

Our park entrance ticket was good for a second visit at night to see frogs since most are nocturnal, so we went back.  Indeed, the frogs were much more accommodating at night!  It's hard to get pictures of frogs behind glass, but I did a pretty good job with the one at the top of the page!  Steve used his flashlight to give me some light. : )

Overall the food here in town is ok, everything is rather expensive (once again, it seems like we are bleeding money), and people are friendly.  We're here for four nights total, then we head to the beach.  It's also really pretty cool here - almost cold at night.  We're up in the mountains, and once the sun sets it's pants and long sleeves!

Here's a bunch of butterfly pictures I took.  We were the only two on the tour, so we could take our time:

This one has spots that make it look like something with big eyes!

Also, there is also a sloth living in the tree behind our room.  That's pretty cool.

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