19 February 2015

More than a fart.

Fair warning - this is gross.  Don't read if you're going to be grossed out.

Last night, Seca pooped in her sleep.  In the bedroom.  On her bed.  Next to our bed.


It smelled so bad it woke us both up, and we laid there, both thinking, "Wow, that's a pungent fart.  It'll dissipate soon."  But it didn't.  So I got up to investigate, and didn't see anything, so I went back to bed.  A couple of minutes later, it still smelled awful, so I checked again, this time lifting up Seca's tail, and sure enough, our sound asleep dog had a nasty turd under her tail.  She didn't even wake up as I MOVED HER to clean it up. 

Such is life with an old dog, I guess.  Good thing she's cute.

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