09 February 2014

Winter camping cabin fail

Steve and I and some friends tried to hike out to the Blue Mussel cabin on Saturday for an overnight trip.  We lugged ~20-30 lbs of water, fire logs, food, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, and warm clothes 3.5 miles to the cabin...only to find that we couldn't get the heater or the wood stove to work properly.  It was cold (~15 degrees during the day) and ~20 mph winds from the north, so not having a working stove was enough to get us to give up and hike out while it was still daylight.  It was so frustrating though!  The stoves would start, only to have the wind push all the smoke back into the cabin because the chimney hole thingy would turn with the wind...instead it was stuck in a position that kept it pointing right into the wind.  We tried to get it to work for 2 hours before giving up.  And by "we" I mean Steve and Bryce and Emily.  I stayed out of their way since I was pretty sure I didn't have any useful skills to add to the stove discussions.

But what a view from the cabin on the beach!!
But, it was a beautiful day for a long hike with lots of superfluous gear.  And what and incredible view from the beach where the cabin was located!! (pic, above)

Cold water at Point Bridget State Park

Strong north wind=cold crashing waves
 Seriously, there was a lot of smoke in that little cabin!  It was so bad I had to stand outside to breathe.
 Me, being cold. 
 Steve jumping across a frozen stream.  Notice Bryce breakdancing in the background...What a fun day!
 Steve again.  :)

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