25 February 2014

A couple more pictures from Victoria

I finally had a chance to work through all of my pictures from Victoria, BC.  Here's a few more that I didn't post initially.

Koi in the indoor section of Butchart Gardens
Small waterfall indoors at Butchart Gardens

Sturgeon fountain at Butchart Gardens

Outdoor waterfall at Butchart Gardens (Japanese Garden area, I think)
 Smooth rocks at the beach, west coast of Vancouver Island.  We don't get them like this in Juneau!
 This is a diorama at the Royal BC Natural History Museum.  It looks so real!
 I just love octopus.  This is from the Royal BC museum too.
Here are a few more pictures of the seals at the marina.  This one was just floating there on it's back, not seeming interested in performing tricks for food (or maybe this is it's trick!)
Adorable boy feeding a seal.  The seal was flapping it's flippers to try to draw the boy's attention and get some fish.

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