20 November 2013

Steve's insane, and other random notes

Steve's certified insane!  :)  Actually, he's officially certified to teach the Insanity workout, but it's pretty much the same thing.  We got a group of friends together for a practice session before he does an official "try out" at the gym.  If he passes the try out, he can be hired to teach at the gym!  Go Steve Go!!
UPDATE!  Steve 'passed' his try out and starting on Monday at 5:30 am he's team-teaching the class!

Steve's holding down the fort in Juneau while I'm at a meeting in Seattle.  It's COLD in Juneau this week - highs around 10-15 degrees...so I feel a little bad that's it's pretty nice here (well, in the 40s and 50s, I think that's nice!).  Juneau is predicted to get a snowstorm Thursday-Friday.  It seems too early for cold and snow, after Thanksgiving would be better!  Steve said the power went out briefly at the Irv the other day, and he had to disconnect the water hoses so they wouldn't freeze.  We normally have them covered with electric heat tape, which works pretty well.  When he got off work, the power was back on but the spigot was frozen so he bought a blow torch to thaw it out.

Leaving Juneau on Sunday we departed to the east because of high winds funneling down the Channel.  I've seen other flights go that way, but it's less common because planes have to climb quickly then bank hard right to miss the mountain(s).  Being on a plane doing that was kind of creepy - I started counting how long it took between when the plane wheels left the ground and when the plane banked - only 20 seconds!  We were warned that there would be a lot of turbulence and there was - yuck - it felt like we were bouncing and sliding all over the place.

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