03 August 2013

Things in trees

Last night we ran up to the glacier to see if we could see any bears.  It was our lucky day! We saw three - a mom and two cubs, and they were all very active.  The mom was making a half-hearted attempt to fish, but would mostly splash around then go feed on salmon she'd already pulled out of the water.  But the best part was the two cubs, who were climbing up a tree and got almost all the way to the top!  One was so high you could see the top of the tree starting to dip back over.  And there was another tree right next to the bear tree with a porcupine in it.  Fun!  I didn't bring my camera, so no photos to share, but it was actually nice to just watch for once!

I leave today for Cordova and I'm hoping we have time to do some exploring because I've been told there's good brown-bear viewing there.  I'll bring my camera this time though, so stand by!

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