15 August 2013

Gulf of Alaska wildlife

Orcas in the distance on a very calm night
There was a lot of cool wildlife viewing while on the boat.  Since work usually wrapped up by 5 pm or earlier, we'd sometimes have time for sportfishing in the evening, which was a good time to spot whales.  Here's some of the cool things we saw:

Killer whales and sperm whales.  These are bad because they tend to take fish off the longline as we bring it up.  They follow the boat, sometimes for days and eat our data.  Not fun.  But, kinda cool to see them so close.  Sometimes there were less than 50 feet from the boat.

Sperm whale
Sperm whale, diving
Minke whales

Dall's porpoise

Dall's porpoise, riding the bow wake as we left Cordova
Laysan and black-footed albatross (only the black-footed shown)

albatross coming in for a landing
and another only getting up speed to fly away
albatross and fulmar waiting for fish parts to wash overboard
Storm petrel

A big lingcod
Just attached a satellite tag to a lingcod
A skillfish - the closest relative to sablefish

Sea otters (these were in Cordova)

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